Green Drink Recipe

Green Drink

Green Drink Recipe

Despite being vegetarian, I struggle getting enough green vegetables in my diet. I have a massive sweet tooth so I tend to be a bit fruit heavy in my diet and the veggies I prefer are the more brightly colored ones. I do like broccoli but you can only eat so many tiny trees, you know?

Why is it so important to me that I get all the greens? Well, fighting cancer for one thing! I’ve been cancer-free for four and a half years now and once was enough for this girl. Can green vegetables prevent cancer?! Well, yes and no. Green vegetables are a huge source of phytonutrients. In plants, they basically act as their immune system. In people, they have been shown to be effective in treating cancer, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

Green vegetables are also a great source of vitamins A and C. Vitamin A not only helps to keep eyes and skin healthy but it helps to protect against infections. Vitamin C aids in iron absorption (a huge plus for those of us who don’t eat meat!), keeps teeth and gums healthy and can help in the healing of cuts and wounds. All of these are incredibly important to me!

But who wants to drink something that tastes like lake algae (made even worse if it smells like it)? I was so excited to find a mix that makes getting my greens an enjoyable part of my morning routine:

Blend these all up in a drink glass and enjoy while also reaping the benefits of all natural energy (from the fizz sticks) and improved gut health (from the digestion plus). Cheers!

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Green Drink Recipe