Jenn joins Kim Watkins and a panel of other melanoma advocates in a discussion about the importance of advocacy and how to get involved. This panel was hosted by the Melanoma Research Foundation as part of their “Ask the Expert” series.

Watch HERE: Ask the Expert: Engaging the Melanoma Community in Advocacy at Home and with Policymakers

Battling cancer doesn’t end with becoming cancer-free. On the contrary, survivorship brings with it a whole new set of challenges. Jenn sits down with Lorie to share her ongoing journey of survival, discussing the lingering anxiety of skin checks and the unique challenges of living with melanoma.

Listen HERE: Understanding Melanoma: The Quest for Change with a Four-Time Survivor

In honor of Skin Cancer and Melanoma Awareness month, Jenn sits down with Amanda Kernahan and opens up about some early and impactful losses in her childhood, and then her unexpected diagnosis with Melanoma as an adult. That diagnosis was the first of four, and it changed the trajectory of her life.

Listen HERE: Full Circle with Jenn Schultz

Jenn joins Karen Costello and a panel of other Melanoma Thrivers in an open, honest conversation about the fear of cancer recurrence and scanxiety. This panel was hosted by the Melanoma Research Foundation as part of their “Ask the Expert” series.

Watch HERE: Ask the Expert: Fear of Recurrence and Scanxiety

KCRG reporter Libbie Randall sits down with skin cancer survivor Jenn Schultz to discuss sun safety year-round.

Watch HERE: The Only Way to Have a Safe Tan is a Spray Tan

Buddhi founder Kathleen Brown sat down with former Chicagoan Jenn Schultz, a 4x melanoma thriver, writer + social media pro, certified melanoma educator ambassador and podcast host (um HELLO Renaissance woman!). Jenn shared about her time living in Chicago working for the Cubs, and what it was like being diagnosed as a young adult with melanoma, its complexities and the mental health affects of the disease.

Watch HERE: Thriver Thursday Series: Meet Jenn

Carrie welcomes her good friend Jenn Schultz to the show! They start with Jenn telling us about herself now, and then work backwards to figure out how all the pieces fit together. Jenn opens up about being diagnosed with melanoma while in grad school, and how it forced her to slow down. Jenn tells us how and when she realized her dreams were changing and how she’s continuing to embracing it now.

Listen HERE: Achieving Your Dreams or Finding a New Dream Along the Way with Jennifer Schultz

1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70. It’s not a sexy topic, but Jenn Schultz and Jordi Tiffany talk about skin cancer and why everyone should care about their largest organ.

Listen HERE: The Truth About Skin Cancer with Jenn Schultz

Join Sara Miller for this heart-to-heart conversation with Jenn Schultz. Jenn is a four-time melanoma survivor, a mental health advocate, and a writer.  In this podcast, we talk about her cancer story, depression, treating mental health struggles, and more.

Listen HERE: Heart to Heart on Mental Health, Self Care, and Cancer with Jenn Schultz

Jenn shares her story of what it was like to be diagnosed with cancer and how a string of doctors’ visits changed the direction of her life. Jenn bravely owns her story through surviving cancer, living with depression, and what it truly means to ask for help.

Listen HERE: Learning to Live Fearlessly